Boy thinking

How are buildings made?

Girl thinking

Why do bears hibernate?


Girl thinkingOur comprehensive curriculum reflects children’s interests, cultures and abilities.

The curriculum we provide incorporates essential factors to insure the quality of the program. The curriculum standards are:

  1. Comprehensive
  2. Integrated
  3. Research-Based
  4. Inquiry-Based

The Creative Curriculum is responsive and sensitive to each child’s individual needs. Family involvement is highly supported by our staff. Our curriculum is based on ongoing assessments.  Our curriculum allows teaching staff to sets goals and uses learning and developmental standards that are research-based, age-appropriate and aligned with the state’s K-12 standards.

We provide a learning environment that invites children to observe, to be active, to make choices, to experiment, and to challenge the child’s growing abilities. We have found that this learning method gains the children’s interests, attention and motivation. The children’s interests will be expanded with the direction of the teacher who will help them explore their ideas and thoughts more in depth.

The curriculum provides daily learning opportunities for language and reasoning, block play, dramatic play, art, music and more. In addition, our curriculum provides integrated learning across children’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.  The curriculum/daily routine offers children experiences in the following areas:

  • Math
  • Movement
  • Science
  • Music
  • Dramatic Play
  • Language/Literacy
  • Creative Arts
  • Cooking
  • Social/Emotional Awareness
  • Cultural Activities

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My daughter currently attends this school - she loves it! I've seen such growth in her since she's started at this school. This was her first time in a daily class setting - it was an easy transition for her. The teachers are amazing - they make a world of difference and really do care! [ Read more ]

Message From the Director

We strive to provide a high-quality early education program that will maximize school readiness for our students. Fulfilling our mission takes effort every day but we do it because it is worth every moment. Our program has helped over 300 children to appreciate and value early literacy and be life-long learners.

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